PostgreSQL Tutorial: REGEXP_MATCHES Function

September 17, 2023

Summary: The PostgreSQL REGEXP_MATCHES() function matches a regular expression against a string and returns matched substrings.

Table of Contents


The following illustrates the syntax of the PostgreSQL REGEXP_MATCHES() function:

REGEXP_MATCHES(source_string, pattern [, flags])


The REGEXP_MATCHES() function accepts three arguments:

1) source

The source is a string that you want to extract substrings that match a regular expression.

2) pattern

The pattern is a POSIX regular expression for matching.

3) flags

The flags argument is one or more characters that control the behavior of the function. For example, i allows you to match case-insensitively.

Return Value

The REGEXP_MATCHES() function returns a set of text, even if the result array only contains a single element.


Suppose, you have a social networking’s post as follows:

'Learning #PostgreSQL #REGEXP_MATCHES'

The following statement allows you to extract the hashtags such as PostgreSQL and REGEXP_MATCHES:


In this example, the following regular expression matches any word that starts with the hash character (#) and is followed by any alphanumeric characters or underscore (_).


The g flag argument is for the global search.

The following is the result:

(2 rows)

The result set has two rows, each is an array, which indicates that there are two matches.

Noted that the REGEXP_MATCHES() returns each row as an array, rather than a string. Because if you use groups to capture parts of the text, the array will contain the groups as shown in the following example:

SELECT REGEXP_MATCHES('ABC', '^(A)(..)$', 'g');

The result is:

(1 row)

See the following film table from the sample database:


The following statement uses the REGEXP_MATCHES() function to get films whose descriptions contain the word Cat or Dog:

	title ,
	REGEXP_MATCHES(description, 'Cat | Dog ') cat_or_dog
ORDER BY title;

Here is the partial output:


In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the PostgreSQL REGEXP_MATCHES() function to extract text according to a regular expression.

See more

PostgreSQL Tutorial: String Functions

PostgreSQL Documentation: String Functions and Operators