
PostgreSQL view dependencies

Summary: In this article, you will learn how to manage objects with view dependencies in PostgreSQL.

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PostgreSQL function dependencies

Summary: When using PostgreSQL functions, you need to be careful not to end up with dangling functions, since the dependency between functions is not well maintained in the PostgreSQL system catalog.

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Managing Complex Data with JSON

Are you looking at your stale, flat relational database and thinking: “It’s so rigid and lifeless!” Do you need polymorphism? Do you have a NoSQL database that has no obvious shape and is causing you lack-of-relationship nightmares? With JSON in PostgreSQL, you can have your cake and relationships too!

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Difference Between GROUP BY and PARTITION BY

The GROUP BY and PARTITION BY clauses are both used in SQL to group data and calculate aggregate values, then what’s the difference between them?

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Analyze Nginx access logs with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL supports the data types json and jsonb, while nginx supports log output in JSON format. We can easily implement the analysis of nginx access logs using PostgreSQL.

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