
Redrock Postgres support almost all common platforms, for more details, see Supported Platforms and Installation Guides.

Latest Versions

This is the current version of Redrock Postgres (version: v2.3-1, release date: 2023-03-04), for more details, see Release Notes.

Platform Package Size
Windows 10 - x86_64 27.3 MB
Linux (RPM) - x86_64 redrock-2.3-1.linux.x86_64-rpm.tar.gz 23.1 MB
Linux (DEB) - x86_64 redrock-2.3-1.linux.x86_64-deb.tar.gz 16.4 MB
Linux (Binary) - x86_64     redrock-2.3-1.linux.x86_64-binaries.tar.gz 28.7 MB
Linux (RPM) - arm64 redrock-2.3-1.linux.aarch64-rpm.tar.gz 22.6 MB
Linux (Binary) - arm64 redrock-2.3-1.linux.aarch64-binaries.tar.gz    28.6 MB

Older Versions

Many other versions of Redrock Postgres are available. If you want to get it, you can view older releases.