Metrics in PostgreSQL monitoring with Prometheus

April 24, 2024

Summary: This article contains details about the metrics collected by the postgres_exporter.

Table of Contents

The next tables contains details about the metrics collected by the postgres_exporter.

Postgres cluster metrics

item metric group metric type description
1 pg_postmaster start_time_seconds GAUGE Time at which postmaster started
2 pg_replication
lag GAUGE Replication lag behind master in seconds
is_replica GAUGE Indicates if this host is a slave
3 pg_stat_user_tables
datname LABEL Name of current database
schemaname LABEL Name of the schema that this table is in
relname LABEL Name of this table
seq_scan COUNTER Number of sequential scans initiated on this table
seq_tup_read COUNTER Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans
idx_scan COUNTER Number of index scans initiated on this table
idx_tup_fetch COUNTER Number of live rows fetched by index scans
n_tup_ins COUNTER Number of rows inserted
n_tup_upd COUNTER Number of rows updated
n_tup_del COUNTER Number of rows deleted
n_tup_hot_upd COUNTER Number of rows HOT updated (i.e., with no separate index update required)
n_live_tup GAUGE Estimated number of live rows
n_dead_tup GAUGE Estimated number of dead rows
n_mod_since_analyze GAUGE Estimated number of rows changed since last analyze
last_vacuum GAUGE Last time at which this table was manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL)
last_autovacuum GAUGE Last time at which this table was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon
last_analyze GAUGE Last time at which this table was manually analyzed
last_autoanalyze GAUGE Last time at which this table was analyzed by the autovacuum daemon
vacuum_count COUNTER Number of times this table has been manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL)
autovacuum_count COUNTER Number of times this table has been vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon
analyze_count COUNTER Number of times this table has been manually analyzed
autoanalyze_count COUNTER Number of times this table has been analyzed by the autovacuum daemon
4 pg_statio_user_tables
datname LABEL Name of current database
schemaname LABEL Name of the schema that this table is in
relname LABEL Name of this table
heap_blks_read COUNTER Number of disk blocks read from this table
heap_blks_hit COUNTER Number of buffer hits in this table
idx_blks_read COUNTER Number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table
idx_blks_hit COUNTER Number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table
toast_blks_read COUNTER Number of disk blocks read from this table’s TOAST table (if any)
toast_blks_hit COUNTER Number of buffer hits in this table’s TOAST table (if any)
tidx_blks_read COUNTER Number of disk blocks read from this table’s TOAST table indexes (if any)
tidx_blks_hit COUNTER Number of buffer hits in this table’s TOAST table indexes (if any)
5 pg_database
datname LABEL Name of the database
size_bytes GAUGE Disk space used by the database
6 pg_archiver
pending_wal_count GAUGE No. of pending WAL files to be archived
7 pg_stat_user_indexes
schemaname LABEL Name of the schema that this table is in
relname LABEL Name of the table for this index
indexrelname LABEL Name of this index
idx_scan COUNTER Number of index scans initiated on this index
idx_tup_read COUNTER Number of index entries returned by scans on this index
idx_tup_fetch COUNTER Number of live table rows fetched by simple index scans using this index
8 pg_statio_user_indexes
schemaname LABEL Name of the schema that this table is in
relname LABEL Name of the table for this index
indexrelname LABEL Name of this index
idx_blks_read COUNTER Number of disk blocks read from this index
idx_blks_hit COUNTER Number of buffer hits in this index
9 pg_total_relation_size
datname LABEL Database name
schemaname LABEL Name of the schema that this table is in
relname LABEL Name of this table
bytes GAUGE total disk space usage for the specified table and associated indexes
10 pg_blocked
type LABEL The lock type
datname LABEL Database name
schemaname LABEL The schema on which a query is blocked
reltype LABEL The type of relation
relname LABEL The relation on which a query is blocked
queries GAUGE The current number of blocked queries
11 pg_oldest_blocked
age_seconds GAUGE Largest number of seconds any transaction is currently waiting on a lock
datname LABEL Database name
12 pg_slow
queries GAUGE Current number of slow queries
datname LABEL Database name
13 pg_long_running_transactions
datname LABEL Database name
queries GAUGE Current number of long running transactions
age_in_seconds GAUGE The current maximum transaction age in seconds
14 pg_vacuum
datname LABEL Database name
queries GAUGE The current number of VACUUM queries
age_in_seconds GAUGE The current maximum VACUUM query age in seconds
15 pg_vacuum_analyze
datname LABEL Database name
queries GAUGE The current number of VACUUM ANALYZE queries
age_in_seconds GAUGE The current maximum VACUUM ANALYZE query age in seconds
16 pg_stuck_idle_in_transaction
datname LABEL Database name
queries GAUGE Current number of queries that are stuck being idle in transactions
17 pg_txid
current COUNTER Current 64-bit transaction id of the query used to collect this metric (truncated to low 52 bits)
xmin COUNTER Oldest transaction id of a transaction still in progress, i.e. not known committed or aborted (truncated to low 52 bits)
xmin_age GAUGE Age of oldest transaction still not committed or aborted measured in transaction ids
18 pg_database_datfrozenxid
datname LABEL Database name
age GAUGE Age of the oldest transaction that has not been frozen
19 pg_wal_position
bytes COUNTER Postgres LSN (log sequence number) being generated on the primary instance or replayed on a replica (truncated to low 52 bits)
20 pg_replication_slots
slot_name LABEL Slot Name
slot_type LABEL Slot Type
active GAUGE Boolean flag indicating whether this slot has a consumer streaming from it
xmin_age GAUGE Age of oldest transaction that cannot be vacuumed due to this replica
catalog_xmin_age GAUGE Age of oldest transaction that cannot be vacuumed from catalogs due to this replica (used by logical replication)
restart_lsn_bytes GAUGE Amount of data on in xlog that must be this replica may need to complete recovery
confirmed_flush_lsn_bytes GAUGE Amount of data on in xlog that must be this replica has not yet received
21 pg_stat_ssl
pid LABEL Process ID of a backend or WAL sender process
active GAUGE Boolean flag indicating if SSL is used on this connection
bits GAUGE Number of bits in the encryption algorithm is in use
compression GAUGE Boolean flag indicating if SSL compression is in use
22 pg_table_bloat
datname LABEL Database name
schemaname LABEL Schema name
tablename LABEL Table name
real_size GAUGE Table real size
extra_size GAUGE Estimated extra size not used/needed in the table. This extra size is composed by the fillfactor, bloat and alignment padding spaces
extra_ratio GAUGE Estimated ratio of the real size used by extra_size
fillfactor GAUGE Table fillfactor
bloat_size GAUGE Estimated size of the bloat without the extra space kept for the fillfactor
bloat_ratio GAUGE Estimated ratio of the real size used by bloat_size
is_na GAUGE Estimation not applicable, If true, do not trust the stats
23 pg_index
datname LABEL Database name
schema_name LABEL Schema name
tblname LABEL Table name
idxname LABEL Index Name
real_size GAUGE Index size
extra_size GAUGE Index extra size
extra_ratio GAUGE Index extra ratio
fillfactor GAUGE Fillfactor
bloat_size GAUGE Estimate index bloat size
bloat_ratio GAUGE Estimate index bloat size ratio
is_na GAUGE Estimate Not aplicable, bad statistic
24 pg_replication_status
application_name LABEL Application or node name
client_addr LABEL Client ip address
state LABEL Client replication state
lag_size_bytes GAUGE Replication lag size in bytes

Connection pooling metrics

item metric group metric type description
1 pgbouncer_show_clients
type LABEL C, for client
user LABEL Client connected user
database LABEL Database name
state LABEL State of the client connection, one of active or waiting
addr LABEL IP address of client
port GAUGE Port client is connected to
local_addr LABEL Connection end address on local machine
local_port GAUGE Connection end port on local machine
connect_time LABEL Timestamp of connect time
request_time LABEL Timestamp of latest client request
wait GAUGE Current waiting time in seconds
wait_us GAUGE Microsecond part of the current waiting time
close_needed GAUGE not used for clients
ptr LABEL Address of internal object for this connection. Used as unique ID
link LABEL Address of server connection the client is paired with
remote_pid GAUGE Process ID, in case client connects over Unix socket and OS supports getting it
tls LABEL A string with TLS connection information, or empty if not using TLS
2 pgbouncer_show_pools
database LABEL Database name
user LABEL User name
cl_active GAUGE Client connections that are linked to server connection and can process queries
cl_waiting GAUGE Client connections that have sent queries but have not yet got a server connection
sv_active GAUGE Server connections that are linked to a client
sv_idle GAUGE Server connections that are unused and immediately usable for client queries
sv_used GAUGE Server connections that have been idle for more than server_check_delay so they need server_check_query to run on them
sv_tested GAUGE Server connections that are currently running either server_reset_query or server_check_query
sv_login GAUGE Server connections currently in the process of logging in
maxwait GAUGE How long the first oldest client in the queue has waited, in seconds
maxwait_us GAUGE Microsecond part of the maximum waiting time
pool_mode LABEL The pooling mode in use
3 pgbouncer_show_databases
name LABEL Name of configured database entry
host LABEL Host pgbouncer connects to
port GAUGE Port pgbouncer connects to
database LABEL Actual database name pgbouncer connects to
force_user LABEL When the user is part of the connection string the connection between pgbouncer and PostgreSQL is forced to the given user
pool_size GAUGE Maximum number of server connections
reserve_pool GAUGE Maximum number of additional connections for this database
pool_mode LABEL The database override pool_mode
max_connections GAUGE Maximum number of allowed connections for this database
current_connections GAUGE Current number of connections for this database
paused GAUGE 1 if this database is currently paused, else 0
disabled GAUGE 1 if this database is currently disabled, else 0
4 pgbouncer_show_stats_totals
database LABEL Database name
xact_count GAUGE Number of SQL transactions pooled
query_count GAUGE Number of SQL queries pooled
bytes_received GAUGE Volume in bytes of network traffic received
bytes_sent GAUGE Volume in bytes of network traffic sent
xact_time GAUGE Number of microseconds spent by pgbouncer when connected to PostgreSQL in a transaction
query_time GAUGE Number of microseconds spent by pgbouncer when actively connected to PostgreSQL
5 pgbouncer_show_stats
database LABEL Database name
total_xact_count GAUGE Total number of SQL transactions pooled
total_query_count GAUGE Total number of SQL queries pooled
total_received GAUGE Total volume in bytes of network traffic received
total_sent GAUGE Total volume in bytes of network traffic sent
total_xact_time GAUGE Total number of microseconds spent by pgbouncer when connected to PostgreSQL in a transaction
total_query_time GAUGE Total number of microseconds spent by pgbouncer when actively connected to PostgreSQL
total_wait_time GAUGE Time spent by clients waiting for a server, in microseconds
avg_xact_count GAUGE Average transactions per second in last stat period
avg_query_count GAUGE Average queries per second in last stat period
avg_recv GAUGE Average received from clients bytes per second
avg_sent GAUGE Average sent to clients bytes per second
avg_xact_time GAUGE Average transaction duration, in microseconds
avg_query_time GAUGE Average query duration, in microseconds
avg_wait_time GAUGE Time spent by clients waiting for a server, in microseconds average per second

See more

Metrics in Linux monitoring with Prometheus

Monitoring PostgreSQL with Prometheus and Grafana

PostgreSQL Monitoring