pgcopydb: pgcopydb 命令

四月 5, 2024

摘要:这部分文档是 pgcopydb 命令的参考手册。


pgcopydb - 将整个 Postgres 数据库从源端实例复制到目标实例


pgcopydb 提供了以下命令

pgcopydb: pgcopydb tool
usage: pgcopydb [ --verbose --quiet ]

Available commands:
    clone     Clone an entire database from source to target
    fork      Clone an entire database from source to target
    follow    Replay changes from the source database to the target database
    snapshot  Create and export a snapshot on the source database
  + compare   Compare source and target databases
  + copy      Implement the data section of the database copy
  + dump      Dump database objects from a Postgres instance
  + restore   Restore database objects into a Postgres instance
  + list      List database objects from a Postgres instance
  + stream    Stream changes from the source database
    ping      Attempt to connect to the source and target instances
    help      Print help message
    version   Print pgcopydb version


pgcopydb 命令实现了,将整个 Postgres 数据库从源端实例完全迁移到目标实例。在命令的整个持续时间内,这两个 Postgres 实例都必须是可用的。

pgcopydb 命令还为 Postgres 实现了一个完整的逻辑解码客户端,在基础副本快照之后,允许更改数据捕获重放源数据库上发生的数据更改(DML)。pgcopydb 逻辑解码客户端代码与 test_decodingwal2json 输出插件兼容,默认使用 test_decoding。

pgcopydb help

pgcopydb help命令会列出所有支持的子命令:

  clone     Clone an entire database from source to target
  fork      Clone an entire database from source to target
  follow    Replay changes from the source database to the target database
  snapshot  Create and export a snapshot on the source database
+ compare   Compare source and target databases
+ copy      Implement the data section of the database copy
+ dump      Dump database objects from a Postgres instance
+ restore   Restore database objects into a Postgres instance
+ list      List database objects from a Postgres instance
+ stream    Stream changes from the source database
  ping      Attempt to connect to the source and target instances
  help      Print help message
  version   Print pgcopydb version

pgcopydb compare
  schema  Compare source and target schema
  data    Compare source and target data

pgcopydb copy
  db           Copy an entire database from source to target
  roles        Copy the roles from the source instance to the target instance
  extensions   Copy the extensions from the source instance to the target instance
  schema       Copy the database schema from source to target
  data         Copy the data section from source to target
  table-data   Copy the data from all tables in database from source to target
  blobs        Copy the blob data from the source database to the target
  sequences    Copy the current value from all sequences in database from source to target
  indexes      Create all the indexes found in the source database in the target
  constraints  Create all the constraints found in the source database in the target

pgcopydb dump
  schema     Dump source database schema as custom files in work directory
  pre-data   Dump source database pre-data schema as custom files in work directory
  post-data  Dump source database post-data schema as custom files in work directory
  roles      Dump source database roles as custome file in work directory

pgcopydb restore
  schema      Restore a database schema from custom files to target database
  pre-data    Restore a database pre-data schema from custom file to target database
  post-data   Restore a database post-data schema from custom file to target database
  roles       Restore database roles from SQL file to target database
  parse-list  Parse pg_restore --list output from custom file

pgcopydb list
  databases    List databases
  extensions   List all the source extensions to copy
  collations   List all the source collations to copy
  tables       List all the source tables to copy data from
  table-parts  List a source table copy partitions
  sequences    List all the source sequences to copy data from
  indexes      List all the indexes to create again after copying the data
  depends      List all the dependencies to filter-out
  schema       List the schema to migrate, formatted in JSON
  progress     List the progress

pgcopydb stream
  setup      Setup source and target systems for logical decoding
  cleanup    Cleanup source and target systems for logical decoding
  prefetch   Stream JSON changes from the source database and transform them to SQL
  catchup    Apply prefetched changes from SQL files to the target database
  replay     Replay changes from the source to the target database, live
+ sentinel   Maintain a sentinel table on the source database
  receive    Stream changes from the source database
  transform  Transform changes from the source database into SQL commands
  apply      Apply changes from the source database into the target database

pgcopydb stream sentinel
  setup  Setup the sentinel table
  get    Get the sentinel table values on the source database
+ set    Maintain a sentinel table on the source database

pgcopydb stream sentinel set
  startpos  Set the sentinel start position LSN on the source database
  endpos    Set the sentinel end position LSN on the source database
  apply     Set the sentinel apply mode on the source database
  prefetch  Set the sentinel prefetch mode on the source database

pgcopydb version

pgcopydb version命令可输出使用的 pgcopydb 版本的版本字符串,当使用--json选项时,可以以 JSON 格式执行此操作。

$ pgcopydb version
pgcopydb version 0.13.1.g868ad77
compiled with PostgreSQL 13.11 (Debian 13.11-0+deb11u1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
compatible with Postgres 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15

以 JSON 格式:

$ pgcopydb version --json
    "pgcopydb": "0.13.1.g868ad77",
    "pg_major": "13",
    "pg_version": "13.11 (Debian 13.11-0+deb11u1)",
    "pg_version_str": "PostgreSQL 13.11 (Debian 13.11-0+deb11u1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit",
    "pg_version_num": 130011

关于 Postgres 版本的详细信息,适用于从源代码构建 pgcopydb 的版本,因此这实际上是客户端库libpq的版本。

pgcopydb ping

pgcopydb ping命令尝试同时连接到源端和目标 Postgres 数据库。

pgcopydb ping: Attempt to connect to the source and target instances
usage: pgcopydb ping  --source ... --target ...

  --source              Postgres URI to the source database
  --target              Postgres URI to the target database


$ pgcopydb ping
18:04:48 84679 INFO   Running pgcopydb version 0.10.31.g7e5fbb8.dirty from "/Users/dim/dev/PostgreSQL/pgcopydb/src/bin/pgcopydb/pgcopydb"
18:04:48 84683 INFO   Successfully could connect to target database at "postgres://@:/plop?"
18:04:48 84682 INFO   Successfully could connect to source database at "postgres://@:/pagila?"

此命令实现了一种重试策略(名为 去相关抖动),可用于自动化,以确保数据库已准备好接受连接。


pgcopydb: 复制 PostgreSQL 数据库到目标服务器