pgcopydb: Introduction

March 30, 2024

Summary: The pgcopydb program is a tool that automates copying a PostgreSQL database to another server.

Table of Contents

Introduction to pgcopydb

pgcopydb is a tool that automates copying a PostgreSQL database to another server. Main use case for pgcopydb is migration to a new Postgres system, either for new hardware, new architecture, or new Postgres major version.

The idea would be to run pg_dump -jN | pg_restore -jN between two running Postgres servers. To make a copy of a database to another server as quickly as possible, one would like to use the parallel options of pg_dump and still be able to stream the data to as many pg_restore jobs. Unfortunately, that approach can’t be implemented by using pg_dump and pg_restore directly, see Bypass intermediate files for the TABLE DATA.

When using pgcopydb it is possible to achieve both concurrency and streaming with this simple command line:

$ export PGCOPYDB_SOURCE_PGURI="postgres://"
$ export PGCOPYDB_TARGET_PGURI="postgres://"

$ pgcopydb clone --table-jobs 4 --index-jobs 4

See the manual page for pgcopydb clone for detailed information about how the command is implemented, and many other supported options.

Feature Matrix

Here is a comparison of the features available when using pg_dump and pg_restore directly, and when using pgcopydb to handle the database copying.

Feature pgcopydb pg_dump ; pg_restore
Single-command operation
Snapshot consistency
Ability to resume partial run
Advanced filtering
Tables concurrency
Same-table concurrency
Index concurrency
Constraint index concurrency
Large Objects
Vacuum Analyze
Copy Freeze
Roles ✗ (needs pg_dumpall)
Tablespaces ✗ (needs pg_dumpall)
Follow changes

See documentation about pgcopydb and pgcopydb configuration for its Advanced filtering capabilities.

pgcopydb uses pg_dump and pg_restore

The implementation of pgcopydb actually calls into the pg_dump and pg_restore binaries to handle a large part of the work, such as the pre-data and post-data sections. See pg_dump docs for more information about the three sections supported.

After using pg_dump to obtain the pre-data and the post-data parts, then pgcopydb restore the pre-data parts to the target Postgres instance using pg_restore.

Then pgcopydb uses SQL commands and the COPY streaming protocol to migrate the table contents, the large objects data, and to VACUUM ANALYZE tables as soon as the data is available on the target instance.

Then pgcopydb uses SQL commands to build the indexes on the target Postgres instance, as detailed in the design doc. For each table, build all indexes concurrently. This allows to include constraint indexes such as Primary Keys in the list of indexes built at the same time.

Change Data Capture, or fork and follow

It is also possible with pgcopydb to implement Change Data Capture and replay data modifications happening on the source database to the target database. See the pgcopydb follow command and the --follow command line option at pgcopydb clone in the manual.

The simplest possible implementation of online migration with pgcopydb, where changes being made to the source Postgres instance database are replayed on the target system, looks like the following:

$ pgcopydb clone --follow &

# later when the application is ready to make the switch
$ pgcopydb stream sentinel set endpos --current

# later when the migration is finished, clean-up both source and target
$ pgcopydb stream cleanup

See more

pgcopydb: Copy a PostgreSQL database to a target server