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The view views contains all views defined in the current database. Only those views are shown that the current user has access to (by way of being the owner or having some privilege).

Table 36.62. views Columns

NameData TypeDescription
table_catalogsql_identifierName of the database that contains the view (always the current database)
table_schemasql_identifierName of the schema that contains the view
table_namesql_identifierName of the view
view_definitioncharacter_data Query expression defining the view (null if the view is not owned by a currently enabled role)
check_optioncharacter_dataApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL
is_updatableyes_or_no YES if the view is updatable (allows UPDATE and DELETE), NO if not
is_insertable_intoyes_or_no YES if the view is insertable into (allows INSERT), NO if not
is_trigger_updatableyes_or_no YES if the view has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger defined on it, NO if not
is_trigger_deletableyes_or_no YES if the view has an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger defined on it, NO if not
is_trigger_insertable_intoyes_or_no YES if the view has an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger defined on it, NO if not