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36.41. schemata

The view schemata contains all schemas in the current database that the current user has access to (by way of being the owner or having some privilege).

Table 36.39. schemata Columns

NameData TypeDescription
catalog_namesql_identifierName of the database that the schema is contained in (always the current database)
schema_namesql_identifierName of the schema
schema_ownersql_identifierName of the owner of the schema
default_character_set_catalogsql_identifierApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL
default_character_set_schemasql_identifierApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL
default_character_set_namesql_identifierApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL
sql_pathcharacter_dataApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL