Development culture in PostgreSQL community

By John Doe November 14, 2023

Summary: The PostgreSQL community is characterized by a unique development culture that emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and community-driven contributions.


Here are some key aspects of the development culture in the PostgreSQL community:

Transparency and Openness

Public Repositories: The PostgreSQL community uses Git software for version control and makes Git repositories available to everyone over the internet. This transparency allows anyone to view, contribute, and suggest changes to the codebase.

Open Communication Channels: Discussions, issue tracking, and decision-making processes are often conducted openly on forums, PostgreSQL mailing lists, and it’s a major way to interact with the PostgreSQL community. This openness encourages community participation and allows contributors to stay informed about project developments. The mailing lists are an effective way to communicate and contribute to PostgreSQL and there are lists that cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Ongoing PostgreSQL development
  • General support
  • Product release & event announcements
  • Coordinate community outreach

and many more. There are several forums and community platforms where users can discuss PostgreSQL-related topics, seek help, and share knowledge. Here are some major PostgreSQL forums:

  • PostgreSQL Mailing Lists: The PostgreSQL project maintains several mailing lists where users and developers discuss various aspects of PostgreSQL. The main mailing list is pgsql-general, but there are others dedicated to specific topics like performance, administration, and development.
  • Stack Overflow - PostgreSQL Tag: Stack Overflow is a popular Q&A platform, and the PostgreSQL tag is actively used by developers to ask and answer questions related to PostgreSQL.
  • DBA Stack Exchange - PostgreSQL: The Database Administrators Stack Exchange site has a dedicated PostgreSQL section where users can ask questions related to database administration.
  • Reddit - r/PostgreSQL: Reddit has a dedicated community for PostgreSQL discussions where users can ask questions, share news, and discuss various topics related to PostgreSQL.
  • PostgreSQL Wiki: The PostgreSQL Wiki includes a variety of resources, including FAQs, tutorials, and information on community-related topics.

Community Collaboration

Distributed Development: Open-source projects often have contributors from around the world, working asynchronously. This distributed development model enables a diverse set of skills and perspectives to be applied to a project.

Collaborative Decision Making: Major decisions in open-source projects are often made through community discussions. This collaborative decision-making process ensures that key choices are not dictated by a single entity and that the community has a say in the project’s direction.


Contributor Recognition: Open source operates on a meritocratic model, where contributors are recognized and gain influence based on the quality of their contributions. Those who consistently provide valuable contributions earn trust and may be granted more responsibilities or decision-making power.

Code Reviews

Peer Review: Code is typically reviewed by peers before being merged into the main codebase. This ensures code quality, adherence to coding standards, and the inclusion of diverse perspectives.

Continuous Integration: Automated testing and continuous integration systems are often used to ensure that new contributions do not introduce bugs or break existing functionality.


PostgreSQL is released under the PostgreSQL License, a liberal Open Source license, similar to the BSD or MIT licenses. The PostgreSQL license is a permissive open-source license that provide developers with a considerable degree of freedom. Here are some characteristics associated with this license:

Permissiveness: The PostgreSQL license is very permissive, allowing developers to use, modify, and distribute the software with minimal restrictions. It imposes fewer requirements on how the code can be used compared to more restrictive licenses.

Commercial Use: Developers can use PostgreSQL code in proprietary or commercial projects without being obligated to release the source code of their entire project. This makes PostgreSQL attractive for commercial applications.

Simplicity: The PostgreSQL license is short and easy to understand, which facilitates adoption. It provides clear and concise terms, making it straightforward for developers to know what is allowed and what is required.

No Viral Clauses: Unlike some other licenses (such as the GNU General Public License), the PostgreSQL license does not include “viral” clauses. This means that modifications to the code, even if integrated into proprietary software, do not force the entire project to be open source.

Compatibility: The PostgreSQL license is compatible with many other licenses. This means that PostgreSQL code can be combined with code released under different licenses, providing flexibility in incorporating external components.

Patent Protection: The PostgreSQL license includes a clause that attempts to protect contributors from patent litigation. It states that redistributions must include the copyright notice and a disclaimer, and it explicitly mentions that the software is provided without warranty.


Comprehensive Documentation: PostgreSQL project prioritize documentation to help contributors understand the project structure, codebase, and development processes. PostgreSQL documentation is maintained and updated collaboratively.

Community Events

Conferences and Meetups: The PostgreSQL community often organizes conferences, meetups, and workshops where contributors can meet in person, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Inclusivity and Diversity

The PostgreSQL community values inclusivity, it is always making efforts to create more welcoming environments that encourage individuals from all backgrounds to contribute to open-source projects. Here are some key aspects of inclusivity and diversity in the PostgreSQL community:

Code of Conduct: The community has adopted a code of conduct to explicitly outline expected behavior and create a safe and inclusive space for contributors. These codes often address issues such as harassment, discrimination, and respectful communication.

Inclusive Language: Efforts are being made to use inclusive language in project documentation, communication channels, and code comments. This helps create an environment that is welcoming to people of all backgrounds and identities.

Mentorship Programs: Mentorship programs within the community help newcomers, especially those from underrepresented groups, by pairing them with experienced mentors. This guidance can be crucial for building confidence and understanding the project dynamics.

Forking and Iteration

Forking: Forking a project is common in the PostgreSQL community, allowing contributors to create their own copy of a project to experiment with changes independently. If the changes prove valuable, they can be proposed back to the original project.


In summary, the PostgreSQL development culture is characterized by collaboration, transparency, meritocracy, and a commitment to creating high-quality, freely accessible software through collective effort.