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54.17. pg_publication_tables #

The view pg_publication_tables provides information about the mapping between publications and information of tables they contain. Unlike the underlying catalog pg_publication_rel, this view expands publications defined as FOR ALL TABLES and FOR TABLES IN SCHEMA, so for such publications there will be a row for each eligible table.

Table 54.17. pg_publication_tables Columns

Column Type


pubname name (references pg_publication.pubname)

Name of publication

schemaname name (references pg_namespace.nspname)

Name of schema containing table

tablename name (references pg_class.relname)

Name of table

attnames name[] (references pg_attribute.attname)

Names of table columns included in the publication. This contains all the columns of the table when the user didn't specify the column list for the table.

rowfilter text

Expression for the table's publication qualifying condition