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37.52. table_constraints

The view table_constraints contains all constraints belonging to tables that the current user owns or has some privilege other than SELECT on.

Table 37.50. table_constraints Columns

Column Type


constraint_catalog sql_identifier

Name of the database that contains the constraint (always the current database)

constraint_schema sql_identifier

Name of the schema that contains the constraint

constraint_name sql_identifier

Name of the constraint

table_catalog sql_identifier

Name of the database that contains the table (always the current database)

table_schema sql_identifier

Name of the schema that contains the table

table_name sql_identifier

Name of the table

constraint_type character_data

Type of the constraint: CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY, or UNIQUE

is_deferrable yes_or_no

YES if the constraint is deferrable, NO if not

initially_deferred yes_or_no

YES if the constraint is deferrable and initially deferred, NO if not

enforced yes_or_no

Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL (currently always YES)