For more information about PG Collector, visit the project github repository

RDS-12.5 Primary/writer DB (Read write)

Date DB_START_DATE UP_TIME DB_connected user_name DB_PORT DB_Version block_size
2021-08-02 18:13:48.107489+00 2021-06-10 20:12:52.071047+00 52 days 22:00:56.036442 postgres postgres 8200 PostgreSQL 12.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11), 64-bit 8192

List of databases
Name Owner Encoding Collate Ctype Access privileges Size Tablespace Description
pg2 postgres UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8   8265 kB pg_default  
postgres postgres UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 =Tc/postgres
39 GB pg_default default administrative connection database
rdsadmin rdsadmin UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 rdsadmin=CTc/rdsadmin No Access pg_default  
template0 rdsadmin UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 =c/rdsadmin
8137 kB pg_default unmodifiable empty database
template1 postgres UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 postgres=CTc/postgres
8121 kB pg_default default template for new databases

database_name database_is_template database_allow_connections database_connection_limit datlastsysoid datfrozenxid datminmxid
postgres f t -1 14313 48841645 130
pg2 f t -1 14313 549 1
rdsadmin f t -1 14313 549 1
template1 t t -1 14313 549 1
template0 t f -1 14313 2716 1

Database size DB parameters Transaction ID TXID (Wraparound) Table Size
Index Size Vacuum & Statistics Extensions Memory setting
pg_stat_statements extension Users & Roles Info schema Info Tablespaces Info
Table Access Profile Unused Indexes Index Access Profile Fragmentation (Bloat)
Toast Tables Mapping Replication Sessions/Connections Info Orphaned prepare transactions
PK or FK using numeric or integer data type public Schema invalid indexes Default access privileges
pgaudit extension Unlogged Tables Access privileges ssl
Background processes Multixact ID MXID (Wraparound) Temp tables Large objects
Partition tables pg_shdepend FK without index sequences
pg_hba.conf Duplicate indexes Functions statistics DB Load
Triggers pg_config ****** ******

Database size
database_name database_size
postgres 39 GB
pg2 8265 kB
rdsadmin 8345 kB
template1 8121 kB
template0 8137 kB

Transaction ID TXID (Wraparound)

oldest xid:


oldest xid per database:

database_name oldest_xid_per_db
postgres 1234298
template0 50073227
pg2 50075394
rdsadmin 50075394
template1 50075394

percent_towards_emergency_autovac & percent_towards_wraparound :

oldest_xid percent_towards_wraparound percent_towards_emergency_autovac
50075394 3 25

current running autovacuum process:

datname usename state query duration wait_event

current running vacuum process:

datname usename state query duration wait_event

vacuum progress process:

pid duration waiting mode database table phase query table_size total_size scanned vacuumed scanned_pct vacuumed_pct index_vacuum_count max_dead_tuples_per_cycle total_num_dead_tuples index_cycles_required

Inactive replication slots order by age_xmin:

slot_name plugin slot_type datoid database temporary active active_pid xmin catalog_xmin restart_lsn confirmed_flush_lsn age_xmin age_catalog_xmin

active replication slots order by age_xmin:

slot_name plugin slot_type datoid database temporary active active_pid xmin catalog_xmin restart_lsn confirmed_flush_lsn age_xmin age_catalog_xmin

Orphaned prepared transactions:

gid prepared owner database ag_xmin

MAX XID held:

oldest_running_xact oldest_prepared_xact oldest_replication_slot oldest_replica_xact

Autovacuum , vacuum and maintenance_work_mem Parameters:

name setting source sourcefile
autovacuum on default  
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor 0.05 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
autovacuum_analyze_threshold 50 default  
autovacuum_freeze_max_age 200000000 default  
autovacuum_max_workers 10 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age 400000000 default  
autovacuum_naptime 5 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay 5 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit 10000 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 0.1 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold 50 default  
autovacuum_work_mem -1 default  
log_autovacuum_min_duration 10000 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level warning configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor 0.1 default  
vacuum_cost_delay 0 default  
vacuum_cost_limit 300 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
vacuum_cost_page_dirty 20 default  
vacuum_cost_page_hit 1 default  
vacuum_cost_page_miss 5 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf
vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 0 default  
vacuum_freeze_min_age 50000000 default  
vacuum_freeze_table_age 150000000 default  
vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age 5000000 default  
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age 150000000 default  
name setting source sourcefile
maintenance_work_mem 65536 configuration file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf

Which tables are currently eligible for autovacuum ?

relation table_size xid_age autovacuum_freeze_max_age autovacuum_vacuum_tuples dead_tuples

autovacuum progress per day:

date count
2021-06-02 1

when the last autovacuum succeeded ?

table_name n_live_tup n_tup_upd n_tup_del n_dead_tup last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze
pg_sequence 0 0 0 0        
pgbench_branches 1000 0 0 0 2021-06-12 18:32:08.718254+00      
pg_toast_34600 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34975 0 0 0 0        
data81a 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_35414 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_36593 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_32996 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_35048 0 0 0 0        
snap_user_tables 0 0 0 0        
data87a 0 0 0 0        
pg_largeobject 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_1136 0 0 0 0 2021-02-09 16:49:09.517171+00      
data48a 0 0 0 0        
data91a 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34993 0 0 0 0        
data5a 0 0 0 0        
data83a 0 0 0 0        
pl_profiler_saved_linestats 0 0 0 0        
pg_enum 0 0 0 0        

Top-20 tables order by xid age:

relation_name age table_size relkind
pg_statistic 1234298 880 kB r
test 1234298 48 kB r
pg_toast.pg_toast_32816 1234298 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_32805 1234298 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_32838 1234298 0 bytes t
cron.job_run_details 1234298 8192 bytes r
cron.job 1234298 8192 bytes r
pg_type 1234297 312 kB r
larget 1234297 919 MB r
pg_toast.pg_toast_1247 1234297 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_2619 1234297 432 kB t
pg_toast.pg_toast_3466 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_2609 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_3456 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_3079 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_1417 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_2604 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_2600 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_2606 1234296 0 bytes t
pg_toast.pg_toast_826 1234296 0 bytes t

indexs inforamtion for Top-20 tables order by xid age:

schemaname tablename indexname idx_scan index_size pretty_index_size
public larget i12 0 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i14 0 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i13 0 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i1 0 1360412672 1297 MB
public larget i2 0 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i3 0 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i4 0 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i5 0 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i6 0 1359331328 1296 MB
public larget i7 0 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i8 0 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i9 0 1359314944 1296 MB
public larget i10 0 1359331328 1296 MB
public larget i11 0 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i15 1 1359314944 1296 MB
pg_catalog pg_statistic pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index 1268364 49152 48 kB
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_typname_nsp_index 1029658 122880 120 kB
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_oid_index 3896747 57344 56 kB

Table Size

Table Size order by schema name and table size:

oid table_schema table_name row_estimate total_bytes index_bytes toast_bytes table_bytes total_pretty index_pretty toast_pretty table_pretty
36309 aws_oracle_context params 0 32768 16384 8192 8192 32 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
36317 aws_oracle_context context 0 8192 8192   0 8192 bytes 8192 bytes   0 bytes
35326 aws_oracle_data tdfmt 0 32768 16384 8192 8192 32 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
35310 aws_oracle_data nfmt 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35356 aws_oracle_data aws_oracle_ext_session_local_tz 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35334 aws_oracle_data tnfmt 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35318 aws_oracle_data dfmt 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35422 aws_oracle_ext nls_parameters 155 204800 49152 8192 147456 200 kB 48 kB 8192 bytes 144 kB
35362 aws_oracle_ext charset_mapping 230 98304 32768 8192 57344 96 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 56 kB
35406 aws_oracle_ext mapped_error_codes 64 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
35414 aws_oracle_ext format_models 238 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
35342 aws_oracle_ext iso_currency_list 161 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
36593 aws_oracle_ext plv8_js_modules 0 49152 16384 24576 8192 48 kB 16 kB 24 kB 8192 bytes
35440 aws_oracle_ext versions 0 32768 16384 8192 8192 32 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
35432 aws_oracle_ext service_settings 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
36134 aws_oracle_ext sqs_queues_settings 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
36218 aws_oracle_ext directory 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35375 aws_oracle_ext jobs 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35395 aws_oracle_ext mail_messages 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
36117 aws_oracle_ext sqs_functions_settings 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
36125 aws_oracle_ext sqs_queues_tables 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
32838 cron job_run_details 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
32816 cron job 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
14149 information_schema sql_features 716 106496 0 8192 98304 104 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 96 kB
14159 information_schema sql_languages 4 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14174 information_schema sql_sizing 23 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14169 information_schema sql_parts 9 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14154 information_schema sql_implementation_info 12 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14164 information_schema sql_packages 10 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14179 information_schema sql_sizing_profiles 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
1255 pg_catalog pg_proc 4390 2146304 589824 131072 1425408 2096 kB 576 kB 128 kB 1392 kB
1249 pg_catalog pg_attribute 7279 1835008 622592   1212416 1792 kB 608 kB   1184 kB
2608 pg_catalog pg_depend 12837 2211840 1392640   819200 2160 kB 1360 kB   800 kB
3456 pg_catalog pg_collation 1628 630784 163840 8192 458752 616 kB 160 kB 8192 bytes 448 kB
2609 pg_catalog pg_description 4984 663552 212992 8192 442368 648 kB 208 kB 8192 bytes 432 kB
2619 pg_catalog pg_statistic 696 950272 49152 458752 442368 928 kB 48 kB 448 kB 432 kB
1247 pg_catalog pg_type 1044 548864 229376 8192 311296 536 kB 224 kB 8192 bytes 304 kB
1259 pg_catalog pg_class 1035 581632 335872   245760 568 kB 328 kB   240 kB
2618 pg_catalog pg_rewrite 191 1302528 32768 1097728 172032 1272 kB 32 kB 1072 kB 168 kB
2610 pg_catalog pg_index 366 253952 98304   155648 248 kB 96 kB   152 kB
2617 pg_catalog pg_operator 770 229376 81920   147456 224 kB 80 kB   144 kB
2606 pg_catalog pg_constraint 47 401408 270336 8192 122880 392 kB 264 kB 8192 bytes 120 kB
1214 pg_catalog pg_shdepend 1129 245760 139264   106496 240 kB 136 kB   104 kB
2602 pg_catalog pg_amop 715 196608 114688   81920 192 kB 112 kB   80 kB
2604 pg_catalog pg_attrdef 33 114688 32768 8192 73728 112 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 72 kB
3394 pg_catalog pg_init_privs 183 81920 16384 8192 57344 80 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 56 kB
2603 pg_catalog pg_amproc 447 122880 65536   57344 120 kB 64 kB   56 kB
2605 pg_catalog pg_cast 216 90112 32768   57344 88 kB 32 kB   56 kB
2607 pg_catalog pg_conversion 132 106496 49152   57344 104 kB 48 kB   56 kB
3603 pg_catalog pg_ts_config_map 418 90112 32768   57344 88 kB 32 kB   56 kB
2600 pg_catalog pg_aggregate 136 73728 16384 8192 49152 72 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 48 kB
2616 pg_catalog pg_opclass 128 81920 32768   49152 80 kB 32 kB   48 kB
2753 pg_catalog pg_opfamily 107 81920 32768   49152 80 kB 32 kB   48 kB
3541 pg_catalog pg_range 6 57344 16384   40960 56 kB 16 kB   40 kB
1260 pg_catalog pg_authid 17 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2601 pg_catalog pg_am 7 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
2612 pg_catalog pg_language 4 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2995 pg_catalog pg_largeobject_metadata 1 57344 16384   40960 56 kB 16 kB   40 kB
2620 pg_catalog pg_trigger 33 98304 49152 8192 40960 96 kB 48 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2615 pg_catalog pg_namespace 25 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
1262 pg_catalog pg_database 4 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2964 pg_catalog pg_db_role_setting 3 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
1213 pg_catalog pg_tablespace 2 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
1136 pg_catalog pg_pltemplate 8 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
1261 pg_catalog pg_auth_members 9 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
2396 pg_catalog pg_shdescription 3 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3602 pg_catalog pg_ts_config 22 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
3600 pg_catalog pg_ts_dict 22 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3601 pg_catalog pg_ts_parser 1 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
3764 pg_catalog pg_ts_template 5 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
3079 pg_catalog pg_extension 2 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3256 pg_catalog pg_policy 2 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2224 pg_catalog pg_sequence 10 57344 16384   40960 56 kB 16 kB   40 kB
2613 pg_catalog pg_largeobject 1 57344 16384   40960 56 kB 16 kB   40 kB
3350 pg_catalog pg_partitioned_table 0 40960 16384 8192 16384 40 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 16 kB
2611 pg_catalog pg_inherits 0 139264 122880   16384 136 kB 120 kB   16 kB
2328 pg_catalog pg_foreign_data_wrapper 0 49152 32768 8192 8192 48 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
1417 pg_catalog pg_foreign_server 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3466 pg_catalog pg_event_trigger 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3501 pg_catalog pg_enum 0 24576 24576   0 24 kB 24 kB   0 bytes
3576 pg_catalog pg_transform 0 16384 16384   0 16 kB 16 kB   0 bytes
3596 pg_catalog pg_seclabel 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
826 pg_catalog pg_default_acl 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3429 pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext_data 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3381 pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext 0 32768 24576 8192 0 32 kB 24 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
1418 pg_catalog pg_user_mapping 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
6104 pg_catalog pg_publication 0 16384 16384   0 16 kB 16 kB   0 bytes
6106 pg_catalog pg_publication_rel 0 16384 16384   0 16 kB 16 kB   0 bytes
6102 pg_catalog pg_subscription_rel 0 8192 8192   0 8192 bytes 8192 bytes   0 bytes
6100 pg_catalog pg_subscription 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3592 pg_catalog pg_shseclabel 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3118 pg_catalog pg_foreign_table 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
6000 pg_catalog pg_replication_origin 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35170 public pgbench_accounts 100000000 17144881152 2246197248   14898683904 16 GB 2142 MB   14 GB
32856 public larget 9022157 21355945984 20392534016   963411968 20 GB 19 GB   919 MB
38927 public larget_2 9027018 543760384 0   543760384 519 MB 0 bytes   519 MB
38756 public sbtest8 1000000 269770752 44990464   224780288 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38700 public sbtest6 1000000 269770752 44990464   224780288 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38587 public sbtest2 1000000 269754368 44990464   224763904 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38645 public sbtest4 999771 269737984 44990464   224747520 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38730 public sbtest7 1000000 269721600 44990464   224731136 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38808 public sbtest10 1000000 269721600 44990464   224731136 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38559 public sbtest1 1000000 269705216 44990464   224714752 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38617 public sbtest3 1000000 269697024 44982272   224714752 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38675 public sbtest5 1000000 269705216 44990464   224714752 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38784 public sbtest9 1000000 269672448 44990464   224681984 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
33106 public upd_t 1000000 68321280 0 8192 68313088 65 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 65 MB
33133 public demo 1000000 58769408 22487040   36282368 56 MB 21 MB   35 MB
35146 public data13a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35152 public data14a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35158 public data15a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35103 public data6a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35121 public data9a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35085 public data3a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35115 public data8a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35079 public data2a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35097 public data5a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35140 public data12a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35091 public data4a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35128 public data10a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35134 public data11a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35109 public data7a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35073 public data1a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35167 public pgbench_tellers 9887 770048 245760   524288 752 kB 240 kB   512 kB
35173 public pgbench_branches 1000 114688 40960   73728 112 kB 40 kB   72 kB
32805 public test 3 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
33100 public tbl_with_oid 1 40960 0   40960 40 kB 0 bytes   40 kB
34745 public data47a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34848 public data64a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34697 public data39a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34812 public data58a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34788 public data54a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34824 public data60a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34860 public data66a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34933 public data78a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
35042 public data96a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34624 public data27a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34563 public data17a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34582 public data20a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34703 public data40a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34794 public data55a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34866 public data67a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34903 public data73a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34975 public data85a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
35048 public data97a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34727 public data44a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34588 public data21a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34648 public data31a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34709 public data41a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34800 public data56a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34836 public data62a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34909 public data74a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34945 public data80a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
35054 public data98a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34679 public data36a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34618 public data26a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34557 public data16a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
35060 public data99a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34987 public data87a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34915 public data75a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34842 public data63a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34806 public data57a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34769 public data51a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34721 public data43a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34673 public data35a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34612 public data25a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34666 public data34a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34606 public data24a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34763 public data50a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34715 public data42a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34600 public data23a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34654 public data32a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34594 public data22a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34957 public data82a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34993 public data88a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
35030 public data94a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34775 public data52a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34570 public data18a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34630 public data28a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34691 public data38a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34739 public data46a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34782 public data53a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34818 public data59a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34890 public data71a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34963 public data83a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34999 public data89a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34685 public data37a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34576 public data19a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
34636 public data29a 0 24576 0 8192 16384 24 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 16 kB
37986 public time 0 8192 0   8192 8192 bytes 0 bytes   8192 bytes
34921 public data76a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34939 public data79a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35012 public data91a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34884 public data70a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34733 public data45a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35164 public pgbench_history 0 0 0   0 0 bytes 0 bytes   0 bytes
38906 public pl_profiler_saved_callgraph 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
38924 public large_test 0 0 0   0 0 bytes 0 bytes   0 bytes
34830 public data61a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
33089 public queue 0 32768 32768   0 32 kB 32 kB   0 bytes
34757 public data49a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34854 public data65a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
38868 public pl_profiler_saved 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34927 public data77a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
38880 public pl_profiler_saved_functions 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34872 public data68a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35036 public data95a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35066 public data100a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34660 public data33a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
38893 public pl_profiler_saved_linestats 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34981 public data86a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35018 public data92a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34751 public data48a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34878 public data69a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34642 public data30a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35005 public data90a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
35024 public data93a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34897 public data72a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34951 public data81a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
34969 public data84a 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
32930 snapshots snap_stat_activity 7562 2793472 221184 8192 2564096 2728 kB 216 kB 8192 bytes 2504 kB
32926 snapshots snap_statio_all_tables 6514 1744896 204800   1540096 1704 kB 200 kB   1504 kB
32946 snapshots snap_indexes 2007 712704 65536   647168 696 kB 64 kB   632 kB
32922 snapshots snap_user_tables 908 385024 40960   344064 376 kB 40 kB   336 kB
32937 snapshots snap_pg_locks 1703 425984 196608 8192 221184 416 kB 192 kB 8192 bytes 216 kB
32954 snapshots snap_settings 333 155648 81920 8192 65536 152 kB 80 kB 8192 bytes 64 kB
32950 snapshots snap_databases 48 65536 16384   49152 64 kB 16 kB   48 kB
32963 snapshots snap 46 90112 49152   40960 88 kB 48 kB   40 kB
32978 snapshots snap_load_avg 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
32986 snapshots snap_iostat 0 32768 24576 8192 0 32 kB 24 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
32996 snapshots snap_mem 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
32968 snapshots snap_cpu 0 32768 24576 8192 0 32 kB 24 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
37662 utl_file utl_file_dir 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes

biggest 50 tables in the DB:

oid table_schema table_name row_estimate total_bytes index_bytes toast_bytes table_bytes total_pretty index_pretty toast_pretty table_pretty
32856 public larget 9022157 21355945984 20392534016   963411968 20 GB 19 GB   919 MB
35170 public pgbench_accounts 100000000 17144881152 2246197248   14898683904 16 GB 2142 MB   14 GB
38927 public larget_2 9027018 543760384 0   543760384 519 MB 0 bytes   519 MB
38756 public sbtest8 1000000 269770752 44990464   224780288 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38700 public sbtest6 1000000 269770752 44990464   224780288 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38587 public sbtest2 1000000 269754368 44990464   224763904 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38645 public sbtest4 999771 269737984 44990464   224747520 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38730 public sbtest7 1000000 269721600 44990464   224731136 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38808 public sbtest10 1000000 269721600 44990464   224731136 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38675 public sbtest5 1000000 269705216 44990464   224714752 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38559 public sbtest1 1000000 269705216 44990464   224714752 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38617 public sbtest3 1000000 269697024 44982272   224714752 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
38784 public sbtest9 1000000 269672448 44990464   224681984 257 MB 43 MB   214 MB
33106 public upd_t 1000000 68321280 0 8192 68313088 65 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 65 MB
33133 public demo 1000000 58769408 22487040   36282368 56 MB 21 MB   35 MB
35121 public data9a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35140 public data12a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35079 public data2a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35097 public data5a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35085 public data3a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35158 public data15a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35146 public data13a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35109 public data7a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35115 public data8a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35073 public data1a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35103 public data6a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35134 public data11a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35091 public data4a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35128 public data10a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
35152 public data14a 200000 33480704 0 8192 33472512 32 MB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 32 MB
32930 snapshots snap_stat_activity 7562 2793472 221184 8192 2564096 2728 kB 216 kB 8192 bytes 2504 kB
2608 pg_catalog pg_depend 12837 2211840 1392640   819200 2160 kB 1360 kB   800 kB
1255 pg_catalog pg_proc 4390 2146304 589824 131072 1425408 2096 kB 576 kB 128 kB 1392 kB
1249 pg_catalog pg_attribute 7279 1835008 622592   1212416 1792 kB 608 kB   1184 kB
32926 snapshots snap_statio_all_tables 6514 1744896 204800   1540096 1704 kB 200 kB   1504 kB
2618 pg_catalog pg_rewrite 191 1302528 32768 1097728 172032 1272 kB 32 kB 1072 kB 168 kB
2619 pg_catalog pg_statistic 696 950272 49152 458752 442368 928 kB 48 kB 448 kB 432 kB
35167 public pgbench_tellers 9887 770048 245760   524288 752 kB 240 kB   512 kB
32946 snapshots snap_indexes 2007 712704 65536   647168 696 kB 64 kB   632 kB
2609 pg_catalog pg_description 4984 663552 212992 8192 442368 648 kB 208 kB 8192 bytes 432 kB
3456 pg_catalog pg_collation 1628 630784 163840 8192 458752 616 kB 160 kB 8192 bytes 448 kB
1259 pg_catalog pg_class 1035 581632 335872   245760 568 kB 328 kB   240 kB
1247 pg_catalog pg_type 1044 548864 229376 8192 311296 536 kB 224 kB 8192 bytes 304 kB
32937 snapshots snap_pg_locks 1703 425984 196608 8192 221184 416 kB 192 kB 8192 bytes 216 kB
2606 pg_catalog pg_constraint 47 401408 270336 8192 122880 392 kB 264 kB 8192 bytes 120 kB
32922 snapshots snap_user_tables 908 385024 40960   344064 376 kB 40 kB   336 kB
2610 pg_catalog pg_index 366 253952 98304   155648 248 kB 96 kB   152 kB
1214 pg_catalog pg_shdepend 1129 245760 139264   106496 240 kB 136 kB   104 kB
2617 pg_catalog pg_operator 770 229376 81920   147456 224 kB 80 kB   144 kB
35422 aws_oracle_ext nls_parameters 155 204800 49152 8192 147456 200 kB 48 kB 8192 bytes 144 kB


Index Size order by schema name and table name :

schemaname Table indexname pg_relation_size index_size
aws_oracle_context params pk_params 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_context context pk_context 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_data tnfmt tnfmt_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_data tdfmt tdfmt_pkey 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_data nfmt nfmt_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_data dfmt dfmt_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext versions pk_versions_component_name 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext sqs_queues_tables pk_sqs_queues_tables 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext sqs_queues_tables unq_sqs_queues_tables 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext sqs_queues_settings pk_sqs_queues_settings 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext sqs_functions_settings pk_sqs_func_settings 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext service_settings p_service_settings 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext plv8_js_modules plv8_js_modules_pkey 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext nls_parameters aoe_nls_territory_win_idx 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext nls_parameters aoe_nls_territory_ux_idx 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext nls_parameters aoe_nls_parameters_pk 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext mapped_error_codes p_mapped_error_codes 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext mail_messages i_mail_messages_new 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext mail_messages p_mail_messages 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext jobs p_jobs 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext jobs i_jobs_this_date 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext iso_currency_list iso_cur_code_pk 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext iso_currency_list nls_iso_currency_uk 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext format_models format_models_pk 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext directory pk_aws_directory 8192 8192 bytes
aws_oracle_ext charset_mapping charset_couple 16384 16 kB
aws_oracle_ext charset_mapping charset_id 16384 16 kB
cron job_run_details job_run_details_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
cron job jobname_username_uniq 8192 8192 bytes
cron job job_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping_user_server_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_oid_index 57344 56 kB
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_typname_nsp_index 122880 120 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_template pg_ts_template_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_template pg_ts_template_tmplname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser_prsname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict_dictname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_config_map pg_ts_config_map_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_config pg_ts_config_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_config pg_ts_config_cfgname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_trigger pg_trigger_tgconstraint_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_trigger pg_trigger_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_trigger pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_transform pg_transform_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_transform pg_transform_type_lang_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_tablespace pg_tablespace_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_tablespace pg_tablespace_spcname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_subscription_rel pg_subscription_rel_srrelid_srsubid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_subscription pg_subscription_subname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_subscription pg_subscription_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext_data pg_statistic_ext_data_stxoid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext_name_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext_relid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index 49152 48 kB
pg_catalog pg_shseclabel pg_shseclabel_object_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_shdescription pg_shdescription_o_c_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_shdepend pg_shdepend_reference_index 49152 48 kB
pg_catalog pg_shdepend pg_shdepend_depender_index 65536 64 kB
pg_catalog pg_sequence pg_sequence_seqrelid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_seclabel pg_seclabel_object_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_rewrite pg_rewrite_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_rewrite pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_replication_origin pg_replication_origin_roiident_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_replication_origin pg_replication_origin_roname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_range pg_range_rngtypid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_publication_rel pg_publication_rel_prrelid_prpubid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication_rel pg_publication_rel_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication pg_publication_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication pg_publication_pubname_index 8192 8192 bytes
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pg_catalog pg_proc pg_proc_oid_index 122880 120 kB
pg_catalog pg_policy pg_policy_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_policy pg_policy_polrelid_polname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_pltemplate pg_pltemplate_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_partitioned_table pg_partitioned_table_partrelid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opfamily pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opfamily pg_opfamily_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_operator pg_operator_oid_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_operator pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_opclass pg_opclass_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opclass pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_namespace pg_namespace_nspname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_namespace pg_namespace_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_largeobject_metadata pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_largeobject pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_language pg_language_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_language pg_language_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_init_privs pg_init_privs_o_c_o_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_inherits pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_inherits pg_inherits_parent_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_index pg_index_indrelid_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_index pg_index_indexrelid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_foreign_table pg_foreign_table_relid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server_name_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_extension pg_extension_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_extension pg_extension_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger_evtname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_enum pg_enum_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_enum pg_enum_typid_label_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_enum pg_enum_typid_sortorder_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_description pg_description_o_c_o_index 212992 208 kB
pg_catalog pg_depend pg_depend_depender_index 614400 600 kB
pg_catalog pg_depend pg_depend_reference_index 729088 712 kB
pg_catalog pg_default_acl pg_default_acl_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_default_acl pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_db_role_setting pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_database pg_database_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_database pg_database_datname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_conversion pg_conversion_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_conversion pg_conversion_name_nsp_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_conversion pg_conversion_default_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index 49152 48 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_contypid_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_oid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_conparentid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_collation pg_collation_oid_index 57344 56 kB
pg_catalog pg_collation pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index 106496 104 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index 65536 64 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_relname_nsp_index 139264 136 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_oid_index 57344 56 kB
pg_catalog pg_cast pg_cast_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_cast pg_cast_source_target_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_authid pg_authid_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_authid pg_authid_rolname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_auth_members pg_auth_members_role_member_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_auth_members pg_auth_members_member_role_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_attribute pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 237568 232 kB
pg_catalog pg_attribute pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index 335872 328 kB
pg_catalog pg_attrdef pg_attrdef_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_attrdef pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_amproc pg_amproc_oid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_amproc pg_amproc_fam_proc_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_amop pg_amop_opr_fam_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_amop pg_amop_oid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_amop pg_amop_fam_strat_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_am pg_am_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_am pg_am_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_aggregate pg_aggregate_fnoid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_826 pg_toast_826_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_6100 pg_toast_6100_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_6000 pg_toast_6000_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_38906 pg_toast_38906_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_38893 pg_toast_38893_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_38880 pg_toast_38880_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_38868 pg_toast_38868_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_37662 pg_toast_37662_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_36593 pg_toast_36593_index 16384 16 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_36309 pg_toast_36309_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_36218 pg_toast_36218_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_36134 pg_toast_36134_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_36125 pg_toast_36125_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_36117 pg_toast_36117_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3600 pg_toast_3600_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3596 pg_toast_3596_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3592 pg_toast_3592_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35440 pg_toast_35440_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35432 pg_toast_35432_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35422 pg_toast_35422_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35414 pg_toast_35414_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35406 pg_toast_35406_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35395 pg_toast_35395_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35375 pg_toast_35375_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35362 pg_toast_35362_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35356 pg_toast_35356_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35334 pg_toast_35334_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35326 pg_toast_35326_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35318 pg_toast_35318_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35310 pg_toast_35310_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35158 pg_toast_35158_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35152 pg_toast_35152_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35146 pg_toast_35146_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35140 pg_toast_35140_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35134 pg_toast_35134_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35128 pg_toast_35128_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35121 pg_toast_35121_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35115 pg_toast_35115_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35109 pg_toast_35109_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35103 pg_toast_35103_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35097 pg_toast_35097_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35091 pg_toast_35091_index 8192 8192 bytes
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pg_toast pg_toast_35079 pg_toast_35079_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35073 pg_toast_35073_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35066 pg_toast_35066_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35060 pg_toast_35060_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35054 pg_toast_35054_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35048 pg_toast_35048_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35042 pg_toast_35042_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35036 pg_toast_35036_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35030 pg_toast_35030_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35024 pg_toast_35024_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35018 pg_toast_35018_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35012 pg_toast_35012_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_35005 pg_toast_35005_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34999 pg_toast_34999_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34993 pg_toast_34993_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34987 pg_toast_34987_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34981 pg_toast_34981_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34975 pg_toast_34975_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34969 pg_toast_34969_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34963 pg_toast_34963_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34957 pg_toast_34957_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34951 pg_toast_34951_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34945 pg_toast_34945_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34939 pg_toast_34939_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34933 pg_toast_34933_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34927 pg_toast_34927_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34921 pg_toast_34921_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34915 pg_toast_34915_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34909 pg_toast_34909_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34903 pg_toast_34903_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34897 pg_toast_34897_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34890 pg_toast_34890_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34884 pg_toast_34884_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34878 pg_toast_34878_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34872 pg_toast_34872_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34866 pg_toast_34866_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34860 pg_toast_34860_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34854 pg_toast_34854_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34848 pg_toast_34848_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34842 pg_toast_34842_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34836 pg_toast_34836_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34830 pg_toast_34830_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34824 pg_toast_34824_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34818 pg_toast_34818_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34812 pg_toast_34812_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34806 pg_toast_34806_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34800 pg_toast_34800_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34794 pg_toast_34794_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34788 pg_toast_34788_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34782 pg_toast_34782_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34775 pg_toast_34775_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34769 pg_toast_34769_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34763 pg_toast_34763_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34757 pg_toast_34757_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34751 pg_toast_34751_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34745 pg_toast_34745_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34739 pg_toast_34739_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34733 pg_toast_34733_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34727 pg_toast_34727_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34721 pg_toast_34721_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34715 pg_toast_34715_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34709 pg_toast_34709_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34703 pg_toast_34703_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34697 pg_toast_34697_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34691 pg_toast_34691_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34685 pg_toast_34685_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34679 pg_toast_34679_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34673 pg_toast_34673_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34666 pg_toast_34666_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34660 pg_toast_34660_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3466 pg_toast_3466_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34654 pg_toast_34654_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34648 pg_toast_34648_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34642 pg_toast_34642_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34636 pg_toast_34636_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34630 pg_toast_34630_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34624 pg_toast_34624_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34618 pg_toast_34618_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34612 pg_toast_34612_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34606 pg_toast_34606_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34600 pg_toast_34600_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34594 pg_toast_34594_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34588 pg_toast_34588_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34582 pg_toast_34582_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34576 pg_toast_34576_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34570 pg_toast_34570_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34563 pg_toast_34563_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3456 pg_toast_3456_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_34557 pg_toast_34557_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3429 pg_toast_3429_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3394 pg_toast_3394_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3381 pg_toast_3381_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3350 pg_toast_3350_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_33106 pg_toast_33106_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32996 pg_toast_32996_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32986 pg_toast_32986_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32978 pg_toast_32978_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32968 pg_toast_32968_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32954 pg_toast_32954_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32937 pg_toast_32937_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32930 pg_toast_32930_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32838 pg_toast_32838_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32816 pg_toast_32816_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_32805 pg_toast_32805_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3256 pg_toast_3256_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3118 pg_toast_3118_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3079 pg_toast_3079_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2964 pg_toast_2964_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2620 pg_toast_2620_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2619 pg_toast_2619_index 16384 16 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_2618 pg_toast_2618_index 32768 32 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_2615 pg_toast_2615_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2612 pg_toast_2612_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2609 pg_toast_2609_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2606 pg_toast_2606_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2604 pg_toast_2604_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2600 pg_toast_2600_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2396 pg_toast_2396_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2328 pg_toast_2328_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1418 pg_toast_1418_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14179 pg_toast_14179_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14174 pg_toast_14174_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1417 pg_toast_1417_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14169 pg_toast_14169_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14164 pg_toast_14164_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14159 pg_toast_14159_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14154 pg_toast_14154_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14149 pg_toast_14149_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1262 pg_toast_1262_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1260 pg_toast_1260_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1255 pg_toast_1255_index 16384 16 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_1247 pg_toast_1247_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1213 pg_toast_1213_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1136 pg_toast_1136_index 8192 8192 bytes
public sbtest9 k_9 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest9 sbtest9_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest8 sbtest8_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest8 k_8 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest7 sbtest7_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest7 k_7 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest6 sbtest6_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest6 k_6 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest5 k_5 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest5 sbtest5_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest4 sbtest4_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest4 k_4 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest3 sbtest3_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest3 k_3 22495232 21 MB
public sbtest2 sbtest2_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest2 k_2 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest10 k_10 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest10 sbtest10_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest1 sbtest1_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest1 k_1 22503424 21 MB
public queue queue_i1 8192 8192 bytes
public queue queue_i2 8192 8192 bytes
public queue queue_i3 8192 8192 bytes
public queue queue_i4 8192 8192 bytes
public pl_profiler_saved_linestats pl_profiler_saved_linestats_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
public pl_profiler_saved_functions pl_profiler_saved_functions_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
public pl_profiler_saved_callgraph pl_profiler_saved_callgraph_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
public pl_profiler_saved pl_profiler_saved_pkey 8192 8192 bytes
public pl_profiler_saved pl_profiler_saved_s_name_key 8192 8192 bytes
public pgbench_tellers pgbench_tellers_pkey 245760 240 kB
public pgbench_branches pgbench_branches_pkey 40960 40 kB
public pgbench_accounts pgbench_accounts_pkey 2246197248 2142 MB
public larget i8 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i7 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i6 1359331328 1296 MB
public larget i5 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i4 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i3 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i2 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i1 1360412672 1297 MB
public larget i13 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i14 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i11 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i10 1359331328 1296 MB
public larget i9 1359314944 1296 MB
public larget i15 1359314944 1296 MB
public larget i12 1359347712 1296 MB
public demo demo_pkey 22487040 21 MB
snapshots snap_user_tables idx_snap_user_tables_snap_id 40960 40 kB
snapshots snap_statio_all_tables idx_snap_statio_all_tables 204800 200 kB
snapshots snap_stat_activity idx_snap_stat_activity_snap_id 221184 216 kB
snapshots snap_settings idx_snap_settings_snap_name_setting 32768 32 kB
snapshots snap_settings idx_snap_settings_snap_id 16384 16 kB
snapshots snap_settings idx_snap_settings_snap_name 32768 32 kB
snapshots snap_pg_locks idx_snap_pg_locks_snap_id 57344 56 kB
snapshots snap_pg_locks idx_snap_pg_locks_dttm 57344 56 kB
snapshots snap_pg_locks idx_snap_pg_locks_pid 81920 80 kB
snapshots snap_mem idx_snap_mem_metric 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_mem idx_snap_mem_snap_id 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_load_avg idx_snap_load_avg_snap_id 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_iostat idx_snap_iostat_mountpoint 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_iostat idx_snap_iostat_filesystem 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_iostat idx_snap_iostat_snap_id 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_indexes idx_snap_indexes_snap_id 65536 64 kB
snapshots snap_databases idx_snap_databases_snap_id 16384 16 kB
snapshots snap_cpu idx_snap_cpu_usertime 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_cpu idx_snap_cpu_snap_id 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap_cpu idx_snap_cpu_cpu_id 8192 8192 bytes
snapshots snap snap_pk 16384 16 kB
snapshots snap idx_snap_snap_dttm 16384 16 kB
snapshots snap idx_snap_snap_id 16384 16 kB

biggest 50 Index in the DB :

schemaname Table indexname pg_relation_size index_size
public pgbench_accounts pgbench_accounts_pkey 2246197248 2142 MB
public larget i1 1360412672 1297 MB
public larget i4 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i12 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i2 1359347712 1296 MB
public larget i11 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i5 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i3 1359339520 1296 MB
public larget i10 1359331328 1296 MB
public larget i6 1359331328 1296 MB
public larget i13 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i7 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i14 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i8 1359323136 1296 MB
public larget i9 1359314944 1296 MB
public larget i15 1359314944 1296 MB
public sbtest9 k_9 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest7 k_7 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest10 k_10 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest2 k_2 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest4 k_4 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest8 k_8 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest1 k_1 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest6 k_6 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest5 k_5 22503424 21 MB
public sbtest3 k_3 22495232 21 MB
public sbtest8 sbtest8_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public demo demo_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest4 sbtest4_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest3 sbtest3_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest10 sbtest10_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest1 sbtest1_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest6 sbtest6_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest5 sbtest5_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest2 sbtest2_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest7 sbtest7_pkey 22487040 21 MB
public sbtest9 sbtest9_pkey 22487040 21 MB
pg_catalog pg_depend pg_depend_reference_index 729088 712 kB
pg_catalog pg_depend pg_depend_depender_index 614400 600 kB
pg_catalog pg_proc pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index 466944 456 kB
pg_catalog pg_attribute pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index 335872 328 kB
public pgbench_tellers pgbench_tellers_pkey 245760 240 kB
pg_catalog pg_attribute pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 237568 232 kB
snapshots snap_stat_activity idx_snap_stat_activity_snap_id 221184 216 kB
pg_catalog pg_description pg_description_o_c_o_index 212992 208 kB
snapshots snap_statio_all_tables idx_snap_statio_all_tables 204800 200 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_relname_nsp_index 139264 136 kB
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_typname_nsp_index 122880 120 kB
pg_catalog pg_proc pg_proc_oid_index 122880 120 kB
pg_catalog pg_collation pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index 106496 104 kB

Vacuum & Statistics

Autovacuum Parameters:

name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
autovacuum on   Autovacuum Starts the autovacuum subprocess.   sighup bool default       on on     f
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor 0.05   Autovacuum Number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples.   sighup real configuration file 0 100   0.1 0.05 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 3 f
autovacuum_analyze_threshold 50   Autovacuum Minimum number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   50 50     f
autovacuum_freeze_max_age 200000000   Autovacuum Age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound.   postmaster integer default 100000 2000000000   200000000 200000000     f
autovacuum_max_workers 10   Autovacuum Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running autovacuum worker processes.   postmaster integer configuration file 1 262143   3 10 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 4 f
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age 400000000   Autovacuum Multixact age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent multixact wraparound.   postmaster integer default 10000 2000000000   400000000 400000000     f
autovacuum_naptime 5 s Autovacuum Time to sleep between autovacuum runs.   sighup integer configuration file 1 2147483   60 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 5 f
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay 5 ms Autovacuum Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for autovacuum.   sighup real configuration file -1 100   2 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 6 f
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit 10000   Autovacuum Vacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum.   sighup integer configuration file -1 10000   -1 10000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 7 f
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 0.1   Autovacuum Number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples.   sighup real configuration file 0 100   0.2 0.1 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 8 f
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold 50   Autovacuum Minimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   50 50     f

name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level warning   Customized Options Emit autovacuum log messages irrespective of other logging configuration. Each level includes all the levels that follow it.Set to disabled to disable this feature and fall back to using log_min_messages. sighup enum configuration file     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic,disabled} disabled warning /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 51 f
log_autovacuum_min_duration 10000 ms Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the minimum execution time above which autovacuum actions will be logged. Zero prints all actions. -1 turns autovacuum logging off. sighup integer configuration file -1 2147483647   -1 10000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 28 f

currnt running autovacuum porecess:

datname usename state query duration wait_event

Vacuum porgress:

pid duration waiting mode database table phase table_size total_size scanned vacuumed scanned_pct vacuumed_pct index_vacuum_count dead_pct

Autovacuum progress per day:

to_char count
2021-06-02 1

Autoanalyze progress per day:

to_char count
2021-06-02 1
2021-07-24 1

Which tables are currently eligible for autovacuum based on curret parameters :

relation table_size xid_age autovacuum_freeze_max_age autovacuum_vacuum_tuples dead_tuples

Check if the statistics collector is enabled (track_counts is on) :

name setting
track_counts on

Number of dead rows for the top 50 table :

relname n_live_tup n_tup_upd n_tup_del n_dead_tup last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze
pg_db_role_setting 3 14 0 7 2021-02-09 16:49:09.511924+00   2021-02-03 22:45:32.870245+00  
pg_database 5 1 0 1 2021-02-09 16:49:09.510414+00   2021-02-03 22:45:32.869448+00  
pgbench_branches 1000 0 0 0 2021-06-12 18:32:08.718254+00      
pg_toast_34975 0 0 0 0        
data81a 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_35414 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_32996 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34993 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_35048 0 0 0 0        
snap_user_tables 0 0 0 0        
data87a 0 0 0 0        
pg_largeobject 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_1136 0 0 0 0 2021-02-09 16:49:09.517171+00      
data48a 0 0 0 0        
pg_range 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_35018 0 0 0 0        
data5a 0 0 0 0        
data83a 0 0 0 0        
pl_profiler_saved_linestats 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34921 0 0 0 0        
larget 0 0 0 0        
data93a 0 0 0 0        
data84a 0 0 0 0        
pg_namespace 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_2619 0 0 0 0        
data96a 0 0 0 0        
data79a 0 0 0 0        
sqs_functions_settings 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_2964 0 0 0 0 2021-02-09 16:49:09.512386+00      
data42a 0 0 0 0        
data91a 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_36593 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34570 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34999 0 0 0 0        
pg_ts_dict 0 0 0 0        
pg_ts_template 0 0 0 0        
data15a 0 0 0 0        
data59a 0 0 0 0        
pg_class 2 3 0 0        
data31a 0 0 0 0        
data24a 0 0 0 0        
tnfmt 0 0 0 0        
pg_amproc 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34963 0 0 0 0        
data50a 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_2620 0 0 0 0        
snap_load_avg 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_32954 0 0 0 0        
pg_description 0 0 0 0        
pg_toast_34600 0 0 0 0